Fashioning A Better Future

We’re on a mission to clean up the industry.
It’s a movement we’re calling Cleaner Fashion.

We’re all about putting our principles into practice, making fashion more responsible, and weaving a more sustainable future—for your wardrobe and the planet.

Our Sustainability Pillars

We use a three-pillar framework to guide our environmental and social efforts, which are aligned to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

Keep Earth Clean

We focus on reduced inputs and clean outputs – reducing natural resource consumption, minimizing waste and pollution, and prioritizing safer chemistry in our value chain.

Keep Earth Cool

We are committed to meeting climate reduction targets approved by the Science Based Targets Initiative, reducing greenhouse gas emissions per product by more than 50% by 2030, and achieving net zero emissions by 2050 (or sooner!).

Do Right By People

We are working to improve workers’ lives, achieve gender equality, and promote a fair living wage. We also support community impact at the intersection of social and environmental needs through our Fund.

Making a Difference

We are staying true to our radically transparent roots and breaking down the efforts behind every sustainable aspect of our business—from our products to our processes and partners—in a manner that doesn’t sound like a science textbook.

Materials Matter

Our Path to Net-Zero


Empower people to live their

best lives with the least

impact on the planet.

Our Annual lmpactReport

We believe in progress overperfection.Each year, our lmpact Reportreflects back on our wins insustainability while also lookingahead with plans for an even better tomorrow.


We work with some amazing partnersand industry experts. Our certificationsand collaborations help us keep it 100with you (and ourselves) as we marchtowards reducing our impact on theplanet.